Waveshare pico-LCD-1.3
Module avec afficheur LCD 240×240 IPS en couleur :
e-Paper | Pico | Description |
VCC | VSYS | Power Input |
DIN | GP11 | MOSI pin of SPI, slave device data input |
CLK | GP10 | SCK pin of SPI, clock pin |
CS | GP9 | Chip selection of SPI, low active |
DC | GP8 | Data/Command control pin (High for data; Low for command) |
RST | GP12 | Reset pin, low active |
BL | GP13 | Backlight control |
A | GP15 | User button A |
B | GP17 | User button B |
X | GP19 | User button X |
Y | GP21 | User buttonY |
UP | GP2 | Joystick-up |
DOWM | GP18 | Joystick-down |
LEFT | GP16 | Joystick-left |
RIGHT | GP20 | Joystick-right |
CTRL | GP3 | Joystick-center |
Infos complémentaires sur l'afficheur
raspberry_pi_pico/waveshare-pico-lcd-1.3.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/03/09 16:59 de dan