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Waveshare pico-LCD-1.3

Module avec afficheur LCD 240×240 IPS en couleur :

e-Paper Pico Description
VCC VSYS Power Input
DIN GP11 MOSI pin of SPI, slave device data input
CLK GP10 SCK pin of SPI, clock pin
CS GP9 Chip selection of SPI, low active
DC GP8 Data/Command control pin (High for data; Low for command)
RST GP12 Reset pin, low active
BL GP13 Backlight control
A GP15 User button A
B GP17 User button B
X GP19 User button X
Y GP21 User buttonY
UP GP2 Joystick-up
DOWM GP18 Joystick-down
LEFT GP16 Joystick-left
RIGHT GP20 Joystick-right
CTRL GP3 Joystick-center

Infos complémentaires sur l'afficheur

raspberry_pi_pico/waveshare-pico-lcd-1.3.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/03/09 16:59 de dan